Off-Campus PE Program
Off-Campus Physical Education and US Equestrian Interscholastic Athlete Lettering Program
Thank you for your interest in Three Brothers Stable as your student’s off-campus physical education facilitator. This program aims to develop horsemanship, riding, and transferable skills while broadening participation in equestrian sports. We teach students how to contribute to both their success and the success of the broader equestrian community.
We feel strongly that horseback riding teaches students responsibility for something more than themselves, self-reliance, the ability to make decisions for their “team,” and courage over fear. They gain the confidence to try things outside their comfort zone and learn that trumpets do not always sound when you work hard.
Three Brothers Riding School Program Goals
Three Brothers Riding School follows the curriculum of the United States Pony Club (USPC). The USPC is an organization that “develops character, leadership, confidence, and a sense of community through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding, and mounted sports.”
The purpose of the OCPE Program is to accommodate students earnestly trying to develop higher-level skills in a specific activity that exceeds what the school district can offer through the general physical education program. The OCPE Program allows students in 5th through 12th grades to earn credits that meet the district and state physical education requirements. Students will be expected to be physically educated and physically active. They will be expected to show accountability for skill development, learned physical activity and health concepts, and social development through participation in their selected physical activity and written and tested assignments based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Physical Education.

Description of the Off-Campus Physical Education Program
The OCPE Program is a partnership between the School and approved off-campus agencies that provide activities such as Dance, Diving, Equestrian, Gymnastics, Ice Skating, Swimming, and Tennis. Only practice hours may count towards the state-required time. Game days and competitions will not count toward the total weekly participation hours. Students will receive a grade of pass or fail.
Students may participate in two different categories, depending on their grades. 5th through 8th-grade students may only participate in Category II during one semester per grade level. Intermediate and Middle School students cannot leave campus during the day to participate in OCPE. High school students may participate in either category. High school students may earn 0.5 credits per semester for 1 credit towards their high school graduation physical education requirement. Three Brothers Stable’s program is Category II.
Category II -Intermediate, Middle, and High School: Participation includes a minimum of 5 hours per week at a private or commercially-sponsored agency that provides physical activities, including those certified by the superintendent to be high quality and well supervised by appropriately trained instructors. Students certified to participate at this level may not be dismissed from any part of the regular school day.
Training Outline
Program Dates for the 2024-2025 school year
Fall: August 10th, 2024 to December 15th, 2024
Spring: January 4th, 2025 to May 23rd, 2025
Weekly Timeline
One 1 Hour lessons
30 min tack up and untack
One 1 Hour Practice Ride
30 min Tack up Untack
Horse Management
30 Minutes: Clean Stall
30 Minutes: Feed/Water/Hay
Dismounted Instruction
30 Minutes: Training Journal and Timesheet
30 Minutes: Assignment
The weekly Timeline can be completed with two days a week at the Barn and an hour of work at home. If this timeline is followed, students can earn their varsity letter as well.

The US Equestrian Interscholastic Athlete Lettering Program
The US Equestrian Interscholastic Athlete Program is open to equestrian athletes in any breed or discipline. To earn letters, athletes should be fans or competing members of US Equestrian or become US Equestrian members.
Students may complete their requirements in two different ways based on either the number of hours spent in the saddle or the number of competitions he or she competes in during the year. The program year runs from June 1 – May 31 of the following year and honors those who document their involvement with an Interscholastic Athlete Varsity patch and corresponding pins. An Interscholastic Athlete patch and pin are awarded after your first year in the program. Each additional lettering year completed, you will receive an Interscholastic Athlete pin and award letter.
A student wishing to log his or her time must record at least 100 hours of riding or training.
A student wishing to use his or her competition experience must participate in at least three (3) competitions (both USEF-licensed and/or non-USEF-licensed) of any level or type to complete the requirements for that year.
Weekly Topics
Topics throughout the semester will include Horse Care, Horse Conditioning, Horse Breeds and Conformation, USPC Rules: Eventing, Show Jumping, Cross Country, Dressage, Video Critiques, Training Plans, Veterinary Care, Bandaging, Groundwork, Equipment, Rider Fitness, Grooming, and Record Books. Students’ journals will include summaries of riding activities and some homework, as appropriate.
First Semester
Week One
Week Three
Parts of Tack
Week Two
Week Four
Week Five
Horse Parts
Week Six
Markings and Colors
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Stable Management
Week Ten
Week Eleven
Health Care
Week Twelve
Boots and Bandages
Week Thirteen
Travel Safety
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Rider Fitness
Week Sixteen
Turn out/Attire
Week Seventeen
Land Conservation
Week Eighteen
Second Semester
Week One
Week Three
Horse Conditioning
Week Two
Horse Care
Week Four
Horse Breeds and Conformation
Week Five
USPC Rules: Eventing
Week Six
Show Jumping
Week Seven
Cross Country
Week Eight
Week Nine
Video Critiques
Week Ten
Training Plans
Week Eleven
Veterinary Care
Week Twelve
Week Thirteen
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Rider Fitness
Week Sixteen
Advanced Grooming
Week Seventeen
Record Book
Week Eighteen
Grading Practices
To complete the program, students must attend 85% of the scheduled time for the semester.
Student grades of “Pass” or “Fail” will primarily be determined by completing the student journals; however, students are also expected to meet behavioral standards, such as good attitude and preparation for activities. Students should also follow the BISD Student Code of Conduct.
We hope your student will find horseback riding at Three Brothers Stable a fulfilling opportunity to develop their physical fitness. Please contact Maggie Pierce, the Owner, at 210.632.2097 with any questions or concerns.
Semester Tuition
One payment of $1800 or Five payments of $360 (Ask for the price if you have your horse). This payment schedule considers no activities on school holidays.
The 18-week program includes one lesson and a practice ride weekly. Registration Form. If you join the USPC, this tuition includes Pony Club dismounted meetings and Riding Center Activities.